Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Costume that Make Up Weight Loss

Recent scientific studies show there is much that is shocking that make you gain weight, including clothing. In fact, these items are the most popular items.

1. Black leggings
Black leggings outfit seems to be required to be held by women. But scientists claim to wear leggings every day can lead to weight gain. The problem is that leggings are too tight so as to make 'lazy' leg muscles. As a result, fat deposits in the buttocks, hips, and abdomen become more and more.

2. High Heels
Besides leggings, wearing high heels regularly can lead to an increase in the body an extra few pounds. A personal trainer Max Doy believe that wearing high heels too often lead to errors in posture resulting shape of the pelvis forward. It causes stomach contents spill into the next, resulting in abdominal fat.

If you want to lose weight, better higher than two item from your wardrobe. However, you should still wear them, but not too often.

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Overcome Oral Cancer with Fight FRMD4A Protein

Want to cure oral cancer? Apply treatment to eliminate FRMD4A protein in the body. The announcement was made by researchers from Cancer Research UK (CRUK) recently conducted a study at the Cambridge Research Institute.

As reported Xinhua page on Tuesday (3/7), a type of protein that are overactive in cases of oral cancer and encourage the development of the tumor was used as a targeted treatment based on a study by researchers. According to them, the higher the level of permanent FRMD4A active protein on cancer, the more likely the disease is spread and return.

As the report has been published in Cancer Research Journal, by resisting the development of these proteins, then automatically the development of oral cancer can be reduced. "Really interesting study. We already have drugs that can potentially be used to target the protein or to compensate for the effect," said Stephen Goldie.

That said by researchers, the drugs can be used as a new offer to the patients, if surgery and chemotherapy did not work. "Or, it can also be used simultaneously," said Goldie.

However, these findings can not be mass produced. Researchers are still going to test with the discovery. Because new development could still occur. "Successful treatment of oral cancer at this time could be different with treatment success with these methods in the future," said the researchers.