Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Even Voluntary Sex Can injures at Miss V

Miss V
Voluntary sex it also has the same effect as rape. Based on the research of media ZeeNews recently, stated that the sexual relationship was consensual done can lead to injuries in the 'Miss V'. Wounds in the most intimate lady was very common among the women who are victims of rape.

Based on a study of 110 nursing students in their early 20's and 39 victims of rape from the Center for Victims of Rape, Odense University Hospital, Sweden shows the data that the injury 'Miss V' was found in 36 percent of rape victims and 34 percent of the nursing students .

"These findings are very interesting. Injured nursing students vagina is often experienced by rape victims. Fact, these injuries can not be used to check the cause of the injury," said lead researcher, Birgitte Schmidt.

The study was conducted by examining less than 28 hours after intercourse respondents. The results are also unaffected if the sex is rough or smooth.

Meanwhile, the victims of rape are more difficult to learn in the same way. They rarely remember the details because they could not track the length of "sexual assault".

Monday, 16 April 2012

2050, Many People Killed Due to Pollution

Air pollution in urban areas is forecast to get worse every year. In fact, in 2050 a lot of people reportedly killed by air pollution.

According to a report from the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), about 70 percent of the world population living in cities by 2050 air pollution will worsen. It happened because of a vehicle with an excessive number of bad waste management, Wednesday (4/4).

Greenhouse gas emissions are expected to rise by 50 percent. In addition, 2.3 billion people will experience water shortages. As a result, about 3.6 million people will die in 2050 because of a hostile environment.

Demand for electricity will increase by 80 percent. At the same time, 85 percent of all energy is derived from fossil fuels will lead to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions.

The main consumers of world energy comes from developing countries, including Indonesia, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. State-speaking cultures are reported to be experiencing the worst environment in the coming decades.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Three Steps of the Ageless Body

Ageless Body
Time passed without stopping, as well as age. Then, how to look younger though age is not young anymore? Dietitian Elizabeth Peyton-Joneseng advise, avoid aging factors is one way to be healthy and youthful.

Here are three steps in the body of the young:

1. Digestion

Digestion is the key to looking younger. When digestion is not functioning properly, absorb various nutrients, looks, healthy skin, hair, muscles, and bones are at stake. Not only that, digestive health will also affect your mood. That's because the digestive system contains neurons or nerve, more neurotransmitters from the spinal cord and brain over.

2. Inflammation

Inflammation is one of the fast reaction of the body when experiencing allergy, infection, and injury. As we get older, over-active response from left circulating activated immune cells in the body. Scientists call inflammaging to describe the level of inflammation. This condition can lead to infections, allergies, and loss of quality of the skin.

The immune system starts from the gut, if there is inflammation, which is characterized by the stomach is filled with gas, bloating, pain, and frequent bowel movements, it means the immune system is compromised. Avoid foods that make you bloated and dizzy, like red meat, sugar, flour, and some dairy products.

3. Oxidation

Every cell in the body requires oxygen, but other reactive molecules can also make the process of merging. When that happens, unstable atoms or free radicals would appear that steal electrons from other atoms.

This process can lead to prolonged oxidative stress and cell damage and even the structure of DNA. The body has evolved in a variety of ways to manage oxidative stress. However, when we are exposed to high levels of toxins from the outside, such as alcohol, stress, UV, and chemicals in food and cleaning products will add to the burden that must be processed. Therefore, it has the potential to increase the amount of free radicals.

Eat vegetables and fruits that contain high levels of antioxidants. Intake of foods that provide the electrons free radicals so they do not need to steal from the other cells in your body.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Chili Can Fight Heart Disease

Chili and Heart
Recent studies have found that the content in a spicy chili can have significant benefits to protect against heart disease. The study, led by Professor Zhen Yu Chen from the Chinese University of Hong Kong was expressed in forum National Meeting of the American Chemical Society 243, San Diego, USA, recently.

From their testing more and more evident, the compound capsaicin that gives chili spicy taste to increase cardiac work. Capsaicinoid substances in capsaicin can reduce the accumulation of cholesterol in the body, increasing the damage to the bad fats and then throw it out through the stool.

Capsaicinoid blocking cyclooxygenase-2, a gene that makes the arteries contract and can block blood flow to the heart. Capsaicinoid was effective trigger fat loss in blood vessels. This fat can narrow the arteries and lead to heart disease or stroke. In conclusion, a substance classified in capsaicinoid help improve the health of the heart and blood vessels.

However, Chen warned, excessive consumption of chili is also not recommended for the health of people with heart disease. Because chili is not a substitute for medication-existing cardiovascular disease today. "It's basically a good diet is a balanced diet. Retailers may be regarded as supplements," said nutrition expert and food is.